News – Tagged "environment" – SULA NYC

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The difference between natural & organic...

SULA NYC uses organic and natural ingredients for our skin care. But what’s the difference between organic and natural? Basically: the paperwork. In order to be able to label a natural product organic you need paperwork/certification: pure natural, no pesticides used during harvest, undiluted product, no animal cruelty and controlled production. None of the ingredients can be harmful, toxic or bad for our environment. Also production methods, labels and packaging are relevant. Independent certifiers, by a recognized body in a country, monitor all phases against standards and their approval results in USDA organic certification. The process is more complex of course, but these are the basics. A USDA seal matters also in Japan or the EU; it is a seal of...

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SULA NYC now a signatory to UN Global Compact as first USA organic skin care company.

SULA NYC now a signatory to UN Global Compact.   First USA organic skin care company to participate.            The UN Global Compact, initiated in 2000, asks companies worldwide  to embrace, support and enact, within their sphere of influence, a set of core values in the areas of human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption. SULA NYC will define plans and programs accordingly, based on the '10 principles' please see below.  We also urge other organic and natural skin care companies to follow us and sign up. Up till  now,  SULA NYC is the only organic skin care company in the USA as signatory and we feel that, by definition, companies with an organic focus should...

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